Frequently Asked Questions

In 1990, the US Congress passed the immigration act, and the Diversity Immigrant Visa, better known as the Green Card DV lottery, was established.
One of the main reasons for this program is to diversify the population of the United States.
Before enacting the DV program, Immigration to the US was accepted mainly from European countries. However, since its inception almost 30 years ago, the US now allows substantially more immigrants from Asian, African, and Latin American countries and Middle Eastern and Caribbean countries.
Nowadays, the United States is the most sought-after place for Immigration, with over 45 million immigrants.
Every year, the US State Department, through its Green Card DV-lottery program, issues about 50,000 Green Card winners. Those that win the DV lottery go through a routine Consular Interview and eventually become legal Permanent Residents of the United States with their family members.
About 10 million people register yearly for the DV-lottery program from all over the globe. A computer then chooses approximately 100,000 individuals as winners. These winners can apply for one of the 50,000 Green Cards Issued each year by the US State Department.
This method ensures an impartial, nonpartisan way of selecting a diverse group of individuals from all over the globe to have an equal opportunity to win the DV lottery.
The DV-lottery application must be submitted by October of each year, and the lucky winners are usually notified of their winning by May the following year.

The Green Card (Diversity Visa) DV lottery has two significant conditions for participation. One of the purposes of this program, as the name implies, is to diversify the population of the United States. Registration for this program usually occurs around October each year, and the US State Department issues a list of eligible and non-eligible countries beforehand.
To participate, an applicant to the DV lottery must be a native of one of the eligible countries on this list.
The second condition is to have a formal education of 12 years of primary and secondary school. If you do not have 12 years of formal education, you should have at least two years of experience in the past five years in a skilled job that mandated at least two years of training and practice.

Our website can help verify whether you comply with the conditions of the Green Card (Diversity Visa) DV lottery program.

Anyone who meets the eligibility criteria can apply for free to the DV-lottery directly on the US State Department’s website during the registration period (October-November).

To participate in the Green Card DV lottery, you must fill out the application form and provide photos according to specific standards, which can be frustrating. Many individuals choose to use a professional service for this purpose. If you do not fill up the application correctly, you can be disqualified from participating in the DV lottery or even after being selected. Our services can be provided in many different languages and are especially suitable for those whose English is not very good. We at The U.S. Dream Organization ensure that your and your family’s application meets the program’s standards. Furthermore, The U.S. Dream Organization will help with the Consular Interview once you have won the DV lottery.

The application has to include all the information and photos regarding the principal applicant, the legally married spouse if relevant, and all children (biological, step-children, adopted) under the age of 21, provided they are not married, even if they do not wish to immigrate with you to the USA.
You must also update your application if even one of these details changes after submitting the original request. For example, you will have to update the application if your marital status changes or you have a new baby. If you do not update your application, you can get disqualified later on, e.g., during your Consular Interview, so please remember to update your application if needed.

You cannot include your frequent law partner on your application. The application can only include those legally connected to you, such as your legally married spouse (either same-sex or opposite-sex) and your children (biological, legally adopted, step-children) under the age of 21 if they are unmarried.

“Derivative Dependent” means the principal applicant’s family member listed on the application form. A derivative dependent can be a spouse (legally married, same-sex, or opposite-sex) and unmarried children under the age of 21.
If you are selected as a winner, the derivative dependent can also apply for Immigration to the USA via the DV Program. This is known as the DV-lottery selectee’s Diversity Visa application.

Your spouse can apply if she meets the eligibility criteria for that year’s Green Card (Diversity Visa) DV lottery. You will have to fill up separate application forms. All forms must include the necessary information and photos and contain details regarding the legal spouse and children as described above.
In case one of you win the DV lottery, the other spouse and children included in the application form can also continue the process of Immigration to the USA.

You can only submit one application to the Green Card DV lottery as the principal applicant during any Diversity Visa DV lottery year. You will be disqualified if you send more than one application during the same DV-lottery year. However, your legal spouse can apply during the year as described above.

Each year the US State Department announces the official dates and the list of eligible countries for the Diversity Visa DV lottery just before the registration period.
In the past years, the Green Card DV lottery took place from October-November.

In the past years, the Green Card DV lottery results were announced at the beginning of May. The results are published on the US State Department’s website. However, the US State Department does not contact the participants to let them know whether they have won. If you choose to become a client of The U.S. Dream Organization, we will inform you about your winning status so we can prepare for the next step of the process, the Consular Interview. 

Approximately 10-15 million people from around the globe register yearly to participate in the annual DV-DV lottery as principal applicants.
Approximately 80,000 to 100,000 winners are randomly selected by the computer each year for the opportunity to apply for the Diversity Visa.
For instance, in 2018, 14,352,013 individuals registered for the DV lottery. Out of those, 87,610 were selected to apply for one of the 50,000 Diversity Visas and Green Cards issued by the US State Department every year.

Winning the Diversity Visa DV lottery is the first important step in the process of Immigration into the USA. However, winning the Diversity Visa DV lottery does not guarantee that you will automatically get a Green Card or Permanent Resident status. Winning the Diversity Visa DV lottery means you have won the opportunity to apply for one of the 50,000 Diversity Visas and Green Cards issued by the US State Department every year. Upon winning the Diversity Visa DV lottery, you will need to go through the steps of the Consular Interview. If you complete that degree successfully, you will have your passport stamped with the Diversity Immigration Visa, and you and your family will be given a US Permanent Resident.

The US State Department publishes the Diversity Visa DV-lottery results on its DV website, usually at the beginning of May.
As part of our services, The U.S. Dream Organization will notify you promptly in case you win and provide you with the Confirmation Number issued when you first registered.
As a winner, you will have to go on the US State Department website, fill in some detail to check whether you have won, and get a confirmatory letter that contains a case number and a barcode. You must print out that letter and keep it in a safe place. You will need it later on for the Consular Interview.
Upon being notified that you were selected in the DV lottery, you must complete the DS-260 and other forms online. The US State Department’s Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) will then set a date for an interview at a US embassy or consulate.
Before the Consular Interview takes place, you and your family will also need to get a medical exam from an authorized physician, get all the required documents and photos for the DV program and pay the Diversity Visa Application fee.
You and your family must arrive at the scheduled time and date at the US Embassy or Consulate with all the necessary documents and photos for the Consular Interview to occur. After you complete your Consular Interview process successfully, which means you and your family were approved for Immigration to the US, you will receive a new status of Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR). Your passport will be stamped inside for entry into the USA.
You will need to pay a fee to the US Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS). The price can be paid online, and the Permanent Resident Green Card will be sent to you by mail.
You must carry a Green Card while living in the United States. It is a legal document and provides proof of your legal status as a Permanent Resident of the United States and your right to work.
As our client, The U.S. Dream Organization will help you with all the necessary means to make this journey as smoothly and quickly as possible. We will help you arrange all the required documents and photos and explain the processes to you and your family clearly and consciously. 

After you complete your registration for the Green Card (Diversity Visa) DV lottery successfully (usually around October), you will receive a Confirmation Number from the US State Department.
This Confirmation Number is a long number containing 16 characters that start with a four-digit number symbolizing the DV year (e.g., a DV-2019 will begin with the number 2019). The rest of the large amount is a mix of 12 unique characters (numbers and letters of the English alphabet).
It is crucial to saving this number as you will need it to check your winning status once the Diversity Visa DV lottery results are published on the US State Department website.
As part of our services, The U.S. Dream Organization will notify you promptly in case you win and provide you with the Confirmation Number issued when you first registered.

As a winner of the Green Card (Diversity Visa) DV lottery, you will be given a confirmatory letter that contains a Case Number and a barcode once you go on the US State Department website. You must print out that letter and keep it in a safe place. You will need it later on for the Consular Interview process.
The Case Number is along with a number that contains 14 characters.
Many confuse the Confirmatory Number (16 characters long) with the Case Number (14 characters long). Please keep in mind that the confirmatory number, as the name implies, confirms that you have registered for the Diversity Visa DV lottery and every person who writes gets this number. In contrast, the Case Number is given only to those individuals who won (or were selected) the Diversity Visa DV lottery.

The Diversity Immigration Visa is an immigration visa to the USA that the US State Department issued. The Diversity Visa is stamped on one of the pages of a valid passport of an immigrant who, after the Consular Interview, was approved for Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status.
The Diversity Visa is issued for entry to the USA within its time limit.
Upon completing the Consular Interview process, a new immigrant must pay a fee to the US Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS). The price can be paid online, and the Permanent Resident Green Card will be sent to the immigrant by mail.
Immigrants must carry a Green Card while living in the United States. It is a legal document and provides proof of the legal status as a Permanent Resident of the United States and the right to work.

The United States Green Card, officially known as The United States Permanent Resident, is a plastic identification card granted to a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) of the United States by the US Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS) agency. This green card (hence the name) is an official identification document that an immigrant to the USA must regularly carry as proof of their legal status. The Green Card confirms that the person who takes it unlimitedly has the right to live, work, and study in the USA.
The Green Card is required while starting a job and can be used for identification when applying for a driver’s license or opening a bank account.

A US Green Cardholder, you are under the status of a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR). That means that you can legally live, study, and work in all of the United States of America (all 50 states) for an unlimited period.
You and your family can live anywhere you desire within the USA.
As a businessman or woman, you or your family will have the opportunity to begin a new business in the USA.
You and your family also have the right to buy a home or own real estate.
You and your family will have a chance to gain an excellent education, be it primary school, secondary school, or higher education. Children in the USA are entitled to free education in public schools.
You and your family can travel freely inside the 50 states and outside the USA under specific regulations.
You and your family can use the Green Card to open a bank account and apply for a driver’s license wherever you live.
However, the most significant advantage of having a Green Card is the right to apply for US citizenship. You can use it after living in the USA for five years. After receiving US citizenship and thus becoming a “naturalized” American citizen, you will be eligible for a US passport and other benefits from being a US citizen.

Get to know us better

Who Are We?

The U.S. Dream Organization ( was established to help people who want to immigrate to the US. It is a private organization whose goal is to help individuals and their families with the bureaucracy of the process, such as filling up forms, accurately obtaining photos, and applying the application correctly to the Green Card DV lottery.

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+1 (518) 512-9227

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You can use our unique system to finish your registration and ensure you enter the DV-lottery program.

Application Form